Food Scapes

Oil on Water
Shapes and colors reflected in oil drops in water

Cymatics (Shape of sounds)
Sound waves spreading in the water create incredibly beautiful and mysterious patterns

The Universe Within Soap Bubbles
Soap bubbles reveal amazing colors and shapes if photographed right.

Faces to Remember
To mark the Holocaust Remembrance Day I started the project “Faces to remember” with photos of all Holocaust survivors I met during my volunteering during past year. יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה

Beauty and science of falling and colliding drops of liquid

Building fantasies: erotic shapes in architecture
I wander in the midst its old and new buildings, observing the endless variations of the shapes and colors that coalesce to form a single body of the structure. It is fascinating how quickly the mind frames and categorizes the scene, subconsciously gravitating into categories such as “tower," “window," “column”. Is it possible to break out these mind-made boundaries and see things that were not of the architect intent? In order to trick the mind it is essential to shift the focus attention onto small details and sometime to watch the world through inverted-colors filter. Success is surprisingly rewarding by opening up the world of unexpected deep feelings.

Beauty of decay
"Beauty of decay" project is a collection of images of living (plants) as well as non-living (buildings) objects being passing the prime of their lives toward an inevitable decline. Diverse in their style (monochromatic and colorful, shut outdoors and in studio) all these images celebrate graceful aging and death as an imperative part of life.